It Seems Like Only Yesterday

Part of the excitement (yeah, sure) of aging is when you realize just how long ago it was when you first encountered something. Last year (2012) was the fiftieth anniversary of the momentous day I discovered James Bond, not as a book, or a movie, but as a comic book. DC, which was not known for adapting movies into comic books, released a comic adaptation of the upcoming thriller Dr. No . I was in the eighth grade, finishing junior high, getting ready to leap into high school. The comic intrigued me and I anxiously awaited the movie. Distribution must have been spotty in Knoxville, or for some other reason, I missed it at first. But I convinced my mother to take me to see Dr. No in Harriman, a small town west of Knoxville where my father operated his dental lab. He preferred the 35-mile commute instead of having to deal with dentists at all hours of the night. But, I am going astray here. My mother drove me to Harriman to see the movie...