
Showing posts from March, 2008

Mr. Tiomkin On CD

The Alamo (pictured to the left) is a four-CD set from Silva Screen Records devoted to the music of Dimitri Tiomkin. Like most Silva releases it is a mixture of the good and the bad (and in one case downright ugly). It also combines new material with tracks from earlier releases. Still, it is worth getting. Disc One is devoted to the Westerns and is primarily instrumentals and most tracks, performed by the City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, are excellent. The first track is "Follow The River" from Night Passage an excellent film with James Stewart and Audie Murphy. Unfortunately the tempo is too fast, rushing through the lovely theme. Tension At Table Rock is represented next then High Noon, an instrumental arrangement of the song. The Wild Wild West is next, the two tracks being composed for an earlier proposed version of the television series. The tracks are the Main Theme and The Ballad Of Jim West. Gunfight At The OK Corral is represented by a suite. Unfortunatel...